International freight service | ETS LogistikaInternational freight service | ETS Logistika

Raili Essaul

Raili is our freight operations manager.

You can reach Raili on her mobile at +372 5553 4554, via email at, or on Skype under the username Raili ETS Logistika.

Raili is enterprising, responsible, and has flexible thinking – she finds solutions to every situation, is proactive, and doesn’t wait for things to resolve themselves or for work to come to her. She is able to accommodate special requests, and finding creative solutions is not a problem for her. Raili’s strength lies in her ability to assess situations, think through risks, and always find a compromise.

Raili has gained her professional experience working as a customer service representative, where she managed to maintain a clear mind and act professionally in complex and high-pressure situations. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her dog and renovating her home.”

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