Fullfilled promise
Kirjutas Lene Aadli
As you remember, U.S. Ambassador visited us in October.
On that day we gave a promise. It is fullfilled now.
Together with mr Ambassador´s delegation, we met Tytus. Tytus is one of the partners in law firm Cytowski LLC, which is represented in New York and Varssav. We had a great conversation and he was well aware of logistics. Click here to see the photos of the meeting.
About what promise are we talking about?
On that day, we gave to Mr. Ambassador and to his team member Brett nice thermos, as a gift. Thermos is man´s best friend on late night walks in the nature, especially on cold autumn and winter days.
We gave a promise to Tytus – he will have his own thermos and we will ship it to New York.
Tytus, enjoy your coffee 🙂